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Who Needs Another Gift? I’ll Tell You Who –

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Beautifully wrapped holiday gift.
Holiday gifts

I know cousin Tasha said she would love another copy of Outlander, and your brother-in-law could always use another drill, but ….they lied.

They just tried to come up with a holiday gift idea for you that would stop you from asking “What do you/does ____ want for Christmas (Chanukah/


How many gifts do we all get that we could really do without? It’s amazing to me how many clients I have who show me mounds of presents they received but don’t like/want/need, but are afraid to get rid of because the gift-giver MIGHT FIND OUT!

The result is lots of guilt, clutter, used-up storage space, wasted money, and – GUILT.

Is that the holiday blessing you really want to bestow on your beloved friends and family?

So how about giving a gift to those who are in dire need of a blessing? Here are some ideas that you can tailor to your bank account, and your loved one’s interests, all the while keeping stuff out of landfill and doing your bit to repair the world!

Make a donation to Save the children instead of a holiday gift.
Save the Children

SAVE THE CHILDREN. They have an actual gift catalogue of ways you can help others, from warm blankets, book bag exchanges, emergency relief supplies, clean water trucks, to providing education for a refugee child. Your gift recipient gets a free greeting card telling them how your special present is significantly helping a child.

Give a gift card to your loved one so they can choose which charity they want it going to.
TisBest charity gift card.

TISBEST CHARITY GIFT CARDS. You choose the amount and your loved ones pay it forward to their favorite charities. You can order a 100% bio-plastic gift card; have a digital gift card emailed directly to your recipient; or instantly download and print a pdf gift card. Over 1,000 charities to choose from including the Conservation Fund, National Center for Learning Disabilities, American Red Cross, and Global Partners in Care.

Donate to a charity that supports kids reading.
Kid reading a book.

CHARITY GIFT CERTIFICATES. You decide on the amount to donate (100% tax deductible), and your gift recipient gets to choose the charity that most resonates with them. There is an online list of over 1,000 charities to choose from. “More purpose, less stuff.”

GLOBAL GIVING. They help donors make safe and easy US tax-deductible donations to vetted, locally-driven organizations around the world. Donors can choose from over 6,440 projects ranging from Gender Equality in Uganda (Empower a Girl -Kole Intellectual Forum), Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa (Keep the Dream 196), Forests4Water Brazil (iracambi) and Rescue 10 Million Meals (Rescuing Leftover Cuisine, Inc) and more.

Donate to a charity this holiday season in lieu of a gift.
Donate to a charity this holiday season.

This holiday season take some time to really think about who you can actually help with your gift giving dollars. It’s a win win win all around!

Happy Holidays to You and Yours, and Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!


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